Welcome to EmeraldEXPLORER

The EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club from Emerald Cruises and Emerald Tours entitles you to exclusive benefits, savings on future cruises and tours, advance notice of new itineraries and much more.

The continued support of our returning guests means a great deal to us, and as a thank you, we created the EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club, allowing you to get the most out of every river cruise, yacht cruise or land tour you take with Emerald Cruises and Emerald Tours.

Building up points couldn’t be any easier. Upon returning from your first journey, you’ll automatically become a member of our EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club, entitling you to exclusive benefits, including savings on future journeys, advance notice of new itineraries, and much more. Our structure is not only designed to recognise your time spent with us, but how much you spend. So, the higher the category of your suite, the more points you’ll receive per day.

And, for every subsequent journey you take with us, you will earn additional EmeraldEXPLORER points.


Loyalty tier benefits

EmeraldEXPLORER’s loyalty club has three tiers: Silver, Gold, and Diamond, with the benefits increasing with each tier you progress to. Take a look at all the exclusive benefits that await you.


Refer a Friend

Upon completing your journey, you can expect to receive a Refer-a-Friend voucher in your inbox four days following your return. The joy of returning from a holiday is sharing your experience with friends and family. Share this exclusive offer with them by forwarding the voucher email; both you and your referred friend/family get a $250pp* discount on your next trip. Inform us of your voucher when booking to claim this offer. Additionally, if you refer someone, they automatically join our EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club after their first trip. We look forward to welcoming you and your friend on your next journey.

People drinking wine in vineyard People drinking wine in vineyard